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    Become a Member of the Indiana Christmas Tree Growers Association Today

    The Indiana Christmas Tree Growers' Association is a non-profit organization of the Christmas tree growers and technical people dedicated to the promotion of the Christmas-tree-growing industry in Indiana. Join today!


    Goals & Objectives


    • To promote the interest of the Christmas-tree-producing industry and the forestry program in Indiana.


    • To associate its members together for their mutual benefit and to that end, engage in any activities involving or relating to the production and marketing of high quality Christmas trees and associated products.


    • To engage in publicity and educational work in cooperation with existing educational agencies where possible.


    • To encourage, promote and assist financing, where possible, the research work done by private, state and federal agencies or educational institutions in the field.


    • To promote the production and harvesting of high quality Christmas trees by developing acceptable grading standards for the benefit of the Indiana Christmas tree industry and the ultimate user.


    • To cooperate with local, state, and federal law-making bodies on matters affecting Christmas trees.


    • To keep its members informed concerning current developments and the results of research.


    • To conduct public relations concerning the safety, use and recycling of natural Christmas trees and the benefits to the economy and environment from growing Christmas trees.


    Membership Benefits  


    • An opportunity to participate and share in the educational meetings, workshops, events and tours organized by the Indiana Christmas Tree Growers Association. In addition to the educational meetings, ICTGA has a booth at the Indiana State Fair and participates in the Trees for Troops and the Indiana Statehouse programs.


    • An opportunity to associate with persons in the industry with experiences in the production and marketing of Christmas trees.


    • An opportunity to participate in the planning and promotion of research programs designed to address specific industry issues.


    • An opportunity to receive reports of research, marketing surveys and other informational materials regarding the production and marketing of Christmas trees and associated products.


    • An opportunity to use the reputation of the Indiana Christmas Tree Growers Association and the Indiana Fresh trademark for advertising and other promotional items to promote your own business within the standards and ethics of the association.


    • Members receive subscriptions to the following publication:

      • Great Lakes Christmas Tree Journal


    • Reduced rate for subscription to the American Christmas Tree Journal.


    • The opportunity to participate in association promotional materials such as flyers, handouts, and website listings.


    • Part of the membership fees are sent to the National Christmas Tree Growers Association qualifying our state as a TIP state. TIP state members receive a free listing on the NCTA website, have the opportunity to attend national conferences as well as other national benefits.


    • National Christmas Tree Growers Association. If you are serious about making your Christmas tree business both fun and profitable you will want to consider joining the National Christmas Tree Growers Association. For more information about NCTA membership and benefits go to and click on the members tab.



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